Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Newsletter and Contest

Every month I send out my free e-newsletter to clients and prospects who I've done business with in the past or who have signed up for the newsletter on my website. Last month, I announced that I was going to have a contest. Basically a Children's Book Give-Away. The original concept was easy, anyone who was in my online database or who signed up for my newsletter, would get a chance at winning the books. Then I would draw a name from a hat and the winner would get all the books. BUT then I found out that someone on my list sent in a 'spam' complaint on me. Unfortunately, I don't know who it is. As I mentioned, everyone on my list was either an existing client OR someone who signed up on my site. I don't send newsletters to folks I never worked with unless they've signed up on their own. And I never share my list with ANYONE, EVER!

Let me try and explain something. I am a 1-man operation. I spent around $3000+ getting this computerized email system developed for my business so I could stay competitive in the 21st Century. A single complaint has the potential to shut me down totally. The company I work with can cancel my account and I'm out all that money. I just deleted every name on the list that I have not done business with in the last year. IF you find that you are not getting the newsletter or notifications from me, then it's because you got removed and you'll need to sign back up. I totally apologize if you were removed and you wanted to stay on.

So, I'm now going to alter the Contest a little bit. You will need to sign-up or re-sign-up for my newsletter via my website ( and then you'll be in the running for the books. I will draw a name out of a hat before Summer and the winner gets the books. Below is a photo of the books. Just so you know, I've found a few more, so there are even more books than those listed. It's up to about $150 in brand new books that you can get for FREE just by signing up for my newsletter.

To sign-up Go to my website and scroll down the page to the Opt-In Box and Sign-Up. It's FREE

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