Monday, May 4, 2015

Dinosaur Magic Show

Years ago, when the first Jurassic Park movie came out, I was having breakfast with David Ginn. He was in town to do a lecture. He mentioned to me that if any magician ever put together a dinosaur magic show, they'd cause money to fall out of the sky. Well those weren't his exact words but you get the idea. It wasn't long after that when I chose to quit my regular 9-5 job and take up magic full time.

My first show was a show about dinosaurs. It was a very odd show for me because I was used to magic magic magic and this show had puppets and very little magic. But it was a hit from the very first time I presented it. Before I put it together I had to study for weeks about dinosaurs. Apparently, all the dino-related science I learned in school did not stick. So, I quickly devoured everything I could about dinosaurs. The next step was to take all that knowledge and shrink it down to easily understandable points for kids. Then I had to take those different points and find magic and puppets that could help tell the story.

The end result was a very popular show that I did for years. I presented the show several hundred times during the course of 10 years. But then one day I decided the show had run it's course. Clients were choosing other shows and not the dinosaur show for their kids so I retired the show. I cleaned up all the puppets, packed them in plastic and cleaned all the props and packed them away. I had no intention of ever doing that show ever again.

Then along comes Jurassic World and my friend Mark Daniel. Mark is a school assembly performer and he loves dinosaurs. In fact, he has a Dinosaur Museum that he tours with in North Carolina, South Carolina and Southern Virginia. AND he does a show about dinosaurs different from mine, but the same concept. Jurassic World of course is the NEXT installment to the series and probably considered a reboot by many. I just knew that dinosaurs would be huge again this summer. Marks popularity with his show also proved I was correct.

So this summer 2015, Jurassic Magic Returns! I will have new dino-magic, new puppets, and maybe a little bit of the older material mixed in. Today, I presented the old version of the show for the first time in many years and it's still a hit with the kids. I have another one tomorrow and that will be the last one until Summer. I have dates available for my Jurassic Magic Show if you're interested, HOWEVER, this show is specially designed for PRE-K and K audiences only. It's not a show for elementary school aged kids. So if you want something for the younger kids that they are sure to love, let me know!!!

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