Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 is Taking Off Like A Rocket

I must ask this question, Have you received my email newsletter yet? IF yes, GREAT! If no, then you've got to sign up. I sent out my first online newsletter today which contained info on the new Super Hero Show, News on the new Dr. Seuss Show and information on Summer Shows! It also had some additional information about my recent public appearances and something really HUGE that is in the works.

The image above is a screen shot of the newsletter, well as much as would fit into the screen. It's actually a bit longer than that. Here is how the newsletter works. For all my current customers and those who sign up for the newsletter, you will get one email per week. The newsletter will probably be the only one with images and such. The other emails will contain stories, sales and marketing ideas and general motivational stuff. Let's face it, no matter what job you have, you are in sales. Moms and Dads are sales people, they have to sell their kids on what to eat, the right way to behave, what to watch and NOT watch on TV and so forth. Yes it's called parenting, but it's also a form of sales.

Daycare Directors are sales people, they've got to sell new prospects on using their center. They've got to sell their employees on new programs and new procedures. School Teachers are sales people. You have got to be able to deliver your lessons in such a way that the students understand them, comprehend them and can retain them. You are selling math, science, art, history, reading and so forth. WE ARE ALL SALES PEOPLE in one way or another.

I'm going to show you some easy ways to do it. Ways that may only benefit you personally and other ways that my help you in your work. You might be wondering, what does it cost? My newsletter is free. The great thing about email is you can choose to read it or not. But I'll tell you this, I'll also be sharing some magic and the occasional magic lesson. That's right, I'll teach YOU a trick that you can share with friends and family. Don't worry, it won't be so difficult that you won't be able to do it. I promise it will be fun to learn and fun to try out on your friends. I probably will only teach a trick one time per month.

Why? I'll be honest, many of you are not only customers but long time friends. I like to share stuff with my friends. And if I can pick up a few new friends along the way and in turn help or teach you something, then it's a win win for everyone. This is only for existing customers and anyone else who signs up for my newsletter. Next week I have a 'super hero' story to share that I think you'll really enjoy. Where to sign up? Just go to my website and about half way down you'll see a box for the sign up. 

I've been working on this for more than a year and have had several false starts, but it looks like it's all working now. I'm so excited for 2015 and all the cool things that are in store!!!!!

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